Sample list
- Kick 1 808 SHORT decay LOW tone
- Kick 2 808 SHORT decay MID tone
- Kick 3 808 SHORT decay FULL tone
- Kick 4 808 MED decay LOW tone
- Kick 5 808 MED decay MID tone
- Kick 6 808 MED decay FULL tone
- Kick 7 808 LONG decay LOW tone
- Kick 8 808 LONG decay MID tone
- Kick 9 808 LONG decay FULL tone
These samples have not been processed with any Eq , compression or effects of any kind. They are completely Raw. They were recorded using an RME UFX straight into the line inputs. You might notice they aren’t as loud as some other samples out there, that’s because I left them alone and didn’t normalise them.
I’ll leave the rest to you!