How to make your beats sound PRO!

So you want to make some beats that sound PRO!

How come it isn’t quite working?? 🙁

You have the best software, the best samples, the best intentions.

Well like most things it isn’t that simple.

If you had every tool required to build a house, could you do it as well as a Professional? Good luck!

Those people spend several years underneath someone who already knew how to do it, and they spend every working day learning each little detail about how to measure this and that, how to keep this thing straight, how to cut that thing properly, how to join that thing to the other thing so it will hold strong, and after all that make it look perfect.

I think you get the point.

Every beat you make, you will learn something.

Every tutorial you watch, you will learn something.

Every time you get information from a Pro Producer, you will learn something.

Every time you analyse a pro beat, you will learn something.

Read books on Mixing and sound theory, you will learn shit loads.

So don’t be put off if your beats aren’t sounding pro.

Immitate, create, try, fail, try again, learn, repeat.

Do this for several years and then see how your beats sound. 😉

Thanks for reading!






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