Sample SALE until the end of May!

Sample Sale!

I just picked up an MPC 3000 so I’m in a good mood and thought I would drop the price of all of my sample packs.

Get em while they’re cheap. All Original and Royalty free made by yours truly.

May Sale

Thanks for the checking this out, and keep making beats.


Sample pack sale!

Sample pack sale!

I will keep the prices down on all packs until March 3, so take this opportunity to save a few bucks!

Get all my sample packs for the price of a coffee and a donut. Both will make your bottom end bigger! 👌

Thanks for stopping by and to all those who have already downloaded my packs.


Thanks for all the downloads!

Thanks to all the people who downloaded my new mini “808 into mpc60” sample pack. It seems that people like FREE stuff!! 😋

I guess I should make some more free mini packs seeing they are so popular. I guess 808 into sp1200? Or is that too obvious. How about I run the 808 through one of ensoniqs samplers. The choices are – mirage, eps classic, eps16+ or asr10. 🧐 I will think about it.

Anyway thanks everybody, send me some of your thoughts. 👍


808 into MPC60 mini Sample Pack FREE

808 into MPC60 mini Sample Pack FREE

 The famous TR-808 sampled directly into the MPC60 then recorded into Protools at 96Khz at 24bit. Normalised to zero then bounced to their respective formats. 17 FREE samples in two different formats (24bit 96Khz and 16bit 44.1Khz).


Hope you like it,


Making New Mini 808 Sample pack “808 into MPC60”

808 into the  MPC60 Drum Kit

This will be an 808 mini Drum kit consisting of 16 Drum hits. All samples were from the TR-808 sampled into the MPC60. Its a bit Dirty. I made it all fit on to one old 720kb Floppy on the 60, so u get some of the machines truncation artefacts at the end of samples, its like a slight dull click.  Also on the longer samples like the cymbal, you can here some slight sounds of the sequencer ticking away in the background. I thought about removing it, but I thought what they hell, its got some character from the old unit. The bass drum doesn’t have the sequencer noise in case your wondering. Anyway this kit will be ready soon.