Category: Synth
Casio cz101 into MPC3000 coming soon! 💥
One of casios classic synths that uses phase distortion sampled into the MPC3000 and detuned an octave to give it some extra mpc character.
Will be a mini kit containing 16 sounds made from the 16 factory presets on the Casio. Stay tuned! ⚡️
MOOG Minitaur Mini Sample Pack! Just dropped!

Get some Moog bass tones in your system and show those soft synths how its done.
This new mini sample pack was Recorded directly from my Minitaur. These are some tones I created that cover a good amount of the units sonic palette without bogging you down with loads of similar sounds. Its got some deep fat smooth bass and some high buzzy lead sounds.
There are 20 samples consisting of 8 tones. long holds, some short stabs and high pitch versions. You can then sculpt the rest with your software samplers.
Its only about 10mb so you don’t have to worry about filling up your poor old HD.
Thanks for checking this out and have a listen to the above Demos to see if this is for you.
And if you’re interested check out my other packs HERE
Sample SALE until the end of May!
Sample Sale!
I just picked up an MPC 3000 so I’m in a good mood and thought I would drop the price of all of my sample packs.
Get em while they’re cheap. All Original and Royalty free made by yours truly.
Thanks for the checking this out, and keep making beats.
Thanks for all the downloads!
you guys rock!!