Free Sample pack Options for those who can’t afford it.

For those who might be a little short of money there is now a Free option available on all sample packs.

For those who can afford it I greatly appreciate it. 🙂

So grab the packs and start making some beats!! 

Thanks for all the great feedback and happy new Lunar year.


New Variable Pricing options now available!

For those on a budget there is now a discounted “Half Price” option available on all Sample Packs.

Thanks for all the great Feedback I’ve received and I hope you enjoy the new packs that are coming your way soon!!

Example below

Korg Poly-800 into MPC 2500 sample pack. coming soon!

Korg Poly-800 into MPC 2500 sample pack. coming soon!

Casio cz101 into MPC3000 coming soon! 💥


One of casios classic synths that uses phase distortion sampled into the MPC3000 and detuned an octave to give it some extra mpc character.

Will be a mini kit containing 16 sounds made from the 16 factory presets on the Casio. Stay tuned! ⚡️


Juno 106 into ASR-10 sample pack, out soon!

Free 808 Sample Pack – First Dates 808’s ;)

Free Tr-808 Sample Pack – First Dates 808’s 😉

Get Now!

9 X 808 bass drum samples directly from my TR-808 into Protools.

Recorded in at 192Khz at 24 Bit

There are 3 file types included:

96Khz 24 bit, 44.1Khz 24 bit

and 44.1Khz 16 bit for older hardware samplers.

So all up the 27 audio files equaling only 8.4mb!

Hope you enjoy them. If you have any questions about this or any other packs please contact me at



Roland JV-880 sampled into Akai S-612

New Sample Pack that will drop soon is the JV-880 into S-612.
Hand selected sounds from the classic Roland rack Rompler sampled into Akai’s First sampler
the S-612, a 12 bit beast from 1985.
Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned for this Pack.


808 into MPC60 mini Sample Pack FREE

808 into MPC60 mini Sample Pack FREE

 The famous TR-808 sampled directly into the MPC60 then recorded into Protools at 96Khz at 24bit. Normalised to zero then bounced to their respective formats. 17 FREE samples in two different formats (24bit 96Khz and 16bit 44.1Khz).


Hope you like it,
